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Mostrando entradas de enero 18, 2013
State of Breastfeeding in 51 Countries : IYCF Policies and Programs  Measured on a Scale of 100 ( 2008-2012)  Publicación que  muy interesante; se trata de la comparación entre paises de la WBTi, podemos observar como estamos con relación a otros paises en cada uno de los indicadores. Es un documento de referencia obligada .  La introducción es de Chessa Lutter.   Tomado de:  10 0 61 – 90 DESCARGAR EL DOCUMENTO EN:  www.worldbreastfeedingconference.o. . Colour rating system initiates action, and does not undermine it! The initiative does not intend to undermine the efforts made by the countries, rather it aims at stimulating action on critical areas to support effective implementation of the Global Strategy. We believe that, when individuals or nations look closely at their own data, it is likely to stimulate corrective measures among them.   What leaders of the breastfeeding movement have ...